Web Browser Based FTP/SCP Client with Monsta FTP 🌱

Install Apache and PHP

  1. Log into the Debian device
  2. Run the following commands in a terminal:
    # update repositories and install any available software updates
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    # install Apache HTTPD
    sudo apt-get install apache2
    # install PHP components
    sudo apt-get install php7.3 libapache2-mod-php7.3 php7.3-common

Installing Monsta FTP

  1. Run the following commands in a terminal:
    # download and extract Monsta FTP
    wget https://www.monstaftp.com/downloads/monsta_ftp_2.10.2_install.zip
    sudo unzip monsta_ftp*.zip -d /var/www/html
    # optionally, rename the created mftp directory to just ftp
    sudo mv /var/www/html/mftp /var/www/html/ftp
  2. Open a web browser and navigate to http://DNSorIP/ftp

Customize Branding (Optional)

  1. Open a browser and navigate to https://www.monstaftp.com/guides/how-to-rebrand-interface
  2. Use the UI to change the colors of the Monsta FTP interface
  3. Click the Generate CSS File button
  4. Copy the file to the Monsta FTP installation /settings directory, for example:
    sudo cp ./theme.css /var/www/html/ftp/settings/
  5. Refresh your Monsta FTP installation to see the updated interface theme
  6. Alternatively, edit the /var/www/html/ftp/settings/theme.css file directly to fully customize the look and feel